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[종료] 「ASEAN-Korea Economic Forum」 Second Call for Delegate

작성자 : 관리자 작성일 : 2022-03-18 조회수 : 5258
첨부파일 : AKEF Outline and Recruitment for Delegate (Second call ~05.15).pdf

We are recruiting delegate for 「ASEAN-Korea Economic Forum(AKEF)」, Sectoral Forum of the 9th ASEAN-Korea Frontier Forum(AKFF).

For more information, please find attached file.

Click on the poster below, you will be connected to the application form.

If an error occurs when clicking on the poster, please scan the QR code in the poster or fill out the application form through the link below.



* The first recruitment for delegate will be carried out according to the noticed plan.


대표단 2차모집.jpg

